World Read Aloud Day


On February 20, 2019 SIS@VT held its annual World Read Aloud Day (WRAD). The morning was filled with opportunities for students to engage with each other in various read aloud.

In Kindergarten ! Volunteer readers from the community told famous stories such as “We Are Going on a Bear Hunt”, “If You Give a Pig a Pancake” and excerpts from Aesop’s Fables for all to hear. After read aloud time everybody enjoyed making their own personal bookmarks to use as they progress through school. Students truly benefit from listening to stories aloud. It helps with word recognition and association, as well as creating an imaginative environment conducive to improving their comprehension skills

Grades 1-5 celebrated Dr. Seuss. Ms. Marianne, was the Principal Reader.  With a touching and captivating voice, she read Wacky Wednesday as the student body listened with interest.

The upper grades read excerpts from Vietnamese author Nguyen Nhat Anh. The first chapter from Toi Thay Hoa Vang Tren Co Xanh was read by the students from the IGCSE1 class. Finally, the students watched an adaptation of the movie followed by class discussions.

Thank you to all the parent and teacher volunteers for dedicating your time and energy to make the morning educational and fun for students.

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