The MARSEUM is a Junior STEM project by which our Year 3G students conducted collaborative research on the human exploration and colonisation of space. The project culminated with a final exhibition in our Library which included interactive presentations by our student mission specialists using Edmodo and Microsoft Office Online on their mobile devices. Each of our student mission specialists shared their research and knowledge which captivated young audience patrons about the project.

In addition to the students’ research topics, each student read about famous biographies linked to space topics ranging from space food, space animals, space medicine, space exploration, as well as famous scientists, engineers, mathematicians, astronauts/cosmonauts and space visionaries.

The Year 3G students presented to classes including KIK on up to Year 4. They also presented their project research about Mars to teachers and administrators showcasing their 21st century skills using multimedia presentations and displays which they planned, designed and curated. Year 3G worked very hard as a team during the project where each student specialist had particular topics to research and job responsibilities to perform for the mission.

Student patrons and audience members were led around by one of the museum tour guides to each of the stations where each mission specialist at the research stations shared their findings with the audience and answered questions. All of the students enjoyed the presentations, learnt more about Mission to Mars and asked an amazing range of questions about space. Well done to all of our student mission specialist and audience members!

2..... Lets learn about Space Food and Space Animals

3........ Lets meet Space Scientists

4..... KIK students are introduced about Space Medicine

5...... John explains to Y1G about Space Habitat

6........ KIK students learn about Mars Colony

7......... Have fun with the Robot Making Competition