KIK Excursion to Vietopia

On Thursday 23rd March, KIK students from Nursery to Prep went to Vietopia, an Educational Amusement Park in Ho Chi Minh City.  The students were exposed to real life careers while also earning “Vietopia money” for the work they did at the various job stations.  They were so excited and happily went from station to station. They got to experience putting out fires, making sodas, being flight attendants, pilots and doctors to nursing the babies in the nursery and many more. This is also the first time that the Nursery students have taken a far and rewarding field trip with the rest of the KIK group. At 2pm they set out for the long bus ride back to Vung Tau.  The students were very tired but happy and had a very productive day.



3a. Pepsi Factory


